One of the most important objectives of
involves removing interference from the nervous system in order to facilitate the body’s ability to heal itself. The process involves the specific analysis, detection, and correction of small misalignments in the spine called
vertebral subluxations. Chiropractors began transforming health care in 1895 and millions of people embrace their story and those of loved ones who overcame health challenges and began experiencing a new level of vitality through specific scientific spinal adjustments.
Chiropractors passionately study and teach on the amazing healing and recuperative abilities of the human body. An analogy illustrating the body’s healing capabilities occurs with breastfeeding. A nursing mother makes breast milk specifically designed to meet the needs of her baby. Receptors on the skin of the mother’s nipple detect the pH of a baby’s saliva and communicate with her nervous system. The baby’s saliva content relays information that triggers the production of new breast milk that meets the specific requirements for her baby’s next feeding. Research from 2013 explained that the composition of breast milk varies by feeding, over lactation, and by each individual day.
The accompanying photos each depict breast milk pumped from the same nursing mother. The whiter colored milk serves as an example of milk produced during the process of normal feeding while the baby maintained a state of wellness. The yellowish colored milk serves as an example of milk produced when the baby began to experience the onset of cold-like symptoms. The yellow tint represents milk enhanced with an increased amount of leukocytes and other immune-fighting chemistry designed to help the baby heal. The mother did nothing different. The immune-boosting breast milk occurred naturally within her body, triggered only by the messages sent by the baby’s saliva to signal the need for milk enriched with healing nutrition.
The following features occur within the body on a regular basis:
- 37 trillion cells make up the average human body.
- Stomach acid dissolves metal.
- The outer layer of skin sheds every 2-4 weeks, amounting to roughly 0.7kg of dead skin each year
- The nose can differentiate between 1 trillion different smells.
- The heart beats 100,000 times per day, pumping 5.5 liters/minute and about three million liters/year.
- Nearly five pounds of bacteria lives in the body. Between 100 million to 1 billion bacteria grow on each tooth and most bacteria serve in roles beneficial to a person’s health.
The comprehensive intelligence of the body emphasizes the importance of Chiropractic care. Scientifically designed adjustments remove interference from the nervous system and allow the brilliant human body to function at optimal levels of performance. Chiropractors witness miraculous results every week when symptoms and conditions seemingly unrelated to the spine begin to improve and heal free from the use of drugs or surgery. The body possesses a powerful super intelligence that cannot be replicated with pills and health care ascends to new heights the more people rely on the innate power of the body.
Dr. B.J. Palmer developed Chiropractic over 120 years ago through tireless research and study of the human body. He boldly stated that, “While other professions are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, Chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to suit the environment.”
Chiropractic focuses on improving the strength, function, and adaptability of an individual to better withstand and combat the stressors of life before they create dis-harmony in the body.
Better health care begins with understanding and experiencing the benefits of Chiropractic care.