Physical pain does not occur without the brain. Tissue injuries or damage trigger pain in the brain through the nervous system. Nerve cells transmit signals to the brain which eventually manifest as pain when an area of the body becomes damaged or injured.
Comprehending such complexity amounts to understanding that pain sensory actually radiates from the brain.
Understanding the pain process becomes important for anyone experiencing pain because the best interventions utilized to minimize physical discomfort focus on the central nervous system.
One of the most revolutionary and effective interventions focused on providing pain relief comes from experiencing a Chiropractic adjustment. Vast evidence and research provide an in-depth understanding for how and why the mechanism of spinal adjustments work. A Chiropractic adjustment improves the mobility and alignment of the spine. The spines intimate connected to the central nervous system requires movement for appropriate feeling and function. Chiropractic adjustments improve specific areas of the brain which allow relief to occur.
A normal effect of an adjustment commonly involves pain relief in a part of the body not directly touched or adjusted. The spine influences so many aspects of health and function through the central nervous system that residual healing and restoration occur throughout the body by providing stress relief to the body’s command center.
Research published in 2019 showed that Chiropractic spinal adjustments lowered firing in areas of the brain that signal pain.
Patients were assessed using an MRI to monitor and measure the influence of a Chiropractic adjustment on brain activity in relationship to pain. Findings showed that the adjustment inhibits the pain processing regions of the brain. In other words, areas of the brain associated with pain calmed down as a result of the adjustment. Reduced pain intensity and sensitivity occurred.
Many challenges plague the current healthcare system. No issue stands out more than the crisis of pain. Doctors prescribe opioid drugs at alarming and fatal rates due to the amount of people suffering daily from pain. Dangerous side effects and addictions appear to become viewed as acceptable risks in the current health care model. Nearly twenty-five percent of all opioid drugs target low back pain. Spinal pain ranks as the number one cause of disability worldwide. The pain industry generates $600 billion dollars in costs annually. Heart disease ($309 Billion) and cancer ($243 Billion) combined come nowhere near that total.
Chiropractic plays a large and necessary role in healthcare because of the influence adjustments have on brain and nervous system function. Pain relief serves as just one of the many benefits achieved through the influence of a Chiropractic adjustment. The world of conventional medicine churns out pharmaceutical drugs laced with side effects to provide temporary relief in absence of true healing. Chiropractic continues to take center stage as the health care choice of millions of people who desire genuine healing, restoration, and optimal function. Men, women, and children experience better health and less pain through evidence-based results found with Chiropractic care.